Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hope we are ready

This past couple of weeks since our last post has been busy and interesting. I mentioned that we caught colds when we were at Lori's. Well......mine turned into pneumonia which I suffered with for the next week or so. In fact, I am still on the recovery path, trying to regain my stamina.

RoLayne's cold was severe, but did not become pneumonia, thankfully.

We were set apart last Sunday by President May as missionaries.  Kurt and his kids came over for the setting apart. Unfortunately Gail was sick and stayed home. Afterwards we all had dinner at our home,  Paul joined us for dinner.

We left Tuesday, after packing the car to the gills with the stuff we need for the mission that is not already in the trailer at Cove Fort. We had the opportunity to spend a couple of days with my stepmother Jane in Logan. We also got to visit my sister Linda in Paradise. Both are doing remarkably well, for which we are sincerely grateful. We left Logan Friday morning and drove down to Amy and Christians for the weekend. On the way down we stopped and visited my Uncle Einar and Aunt Laprele in Salt Lake, as well as a friend of RoLayne's from elementary school.

Today, we went to church with Amy and Christian, then had Kim and Ben's family, Rebekah, Ryan, and Michael over for dinner. We had a really nice visit. Everyone has now gone home and it is very peaceful here as we prepare for tomorrow. Rolayne says she is getting nervous. I am not sure why, we have been through this before. I am excited.
Elder and Sister Heninger with President May after being set apart

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Preparing for our Cove Fort Mission

Well, it has been about two and a half years since we completed our mission in Sierra Vista as military relations missionaries.

We are at it again... We have been called to serve in the Utah Saint George Mission at Cove Fort. We enter the MTC on March 27th and will be serving for 6  months. If you do not know where or what Cove Fort is, we invite you to Google it.

We recently returned from Tucson, where we picked up our 5th Wheel Trailer and transported it to Cove Fort in preparation for our mission. On the way to Cove Fort, we stopped in St George and visited with Lisa, Eric, and Jensen. From there we drove on to Cove Fort and dropped off the trailer. We had the opportunity to meet Elder Crosby, the director of the site and several other missionaries. They were very kind and made us feel very welcome. From there, we drove on to Orem and Lehi to visit Amy and Kim's families for a day. We left the truck at Amy's house and caught a flight home. It was a very quick trip. During the trip, we managed to catch a serious cold which both of us are fighting currently. Lori and Ben had pneumonia while we were there so we are hoping that is not what we have. Our plan is to leave Tuesday so that we can visit with Jane and Linda for a few days before entering the MTC.
Below I will share some photos from our trip.
Just ready to leave Lori's house in Tucson

Lonely RV at the Cove Fort RV park

Kim's kids waving at grand

Amy's daughter Julia with Grandma