Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our First Sunday and Tender Mercies

October 20, 2013

Today we had our first meeting with the Serviceman’s group. It was very a spiritual environment. Most of these young men and women are restricted to the Post, cannot wear civilian clothing, use any personal electronics during the duty day, or even ride in a car except under certain circumstances. We had a small group today of about 10 soldiers. We have Sacrament meeting and then a combined Priesthood/Relief Society. Following that, we had a light lunch with them. They are mostly young 23-28 years old and many are returned missionaries. We met the couple that we work with at the group. They are a really nice couple. Brother Kovacs is a retired army officer who manages a Northrup Grumman facility here in Sierra Vista.
I had an interesting experience that I wanted to share with my grandchildren concerning the tender mercies of Heavenly Father toward those who are striving to be obedient.  I was playing golf yesterday at the local golf course and as I mentioned in my blog post yesterday, I lost my brand new sunglasses. I searched for about an hour yesterday but to no avail. I could not remember where I last had them.
Last night as I prepared for bed and said my prayers, I asked Heavenly Father that if it was his will, I would really like to find my glasses. As I was lying in bed, the thought came to me; I know where my glasses are. It was a location that I had already searched but I received a firm thought that I should go back and look again in that spot. Today, after church I told grandma about my thought and that I would probably go back tomorrow morning and look. She said, why not go look right now? Following her counsel, I drove to the golf course, borrowed a golf cart, and went out to search the location that I had thought about. When I arrived at the location, I walked down into a small gully and stood right where I remembered that I had been. I looked down and right next to my foot were my glasses.

Now, some would say that it was just a coincidence. It was not! There is no doubt that I was lead to that spot. We need to never doubt the power of prayer. More important, when you receive a prompting, do not delay but act on it. I have had many of these kinds of experiences in my life. Heavenly Father does not always answer our prayers exactly like this, but he will answer us in his own time and in his own way. Do not doubt!  He loves you and wants to bless you!

I hope that all have a good week. We would love to hear from you. You know our email address, use it.
I once was lost but now I'm found....The glasses


  1. I love this!! I don't believe that I totally understood "tender mercies" until I got sick. Since then I have realized that they happen almost on a daily basis but we are so busy that we don't recognize them and express proper gratitude for them.

    I also know without a doubt that prayers are always heard and answered in the Lord's time and the Lord's way, but I also firmly believe that the scripture that says, "I the Lord am bound when ye do as I say" is literal.

    You have had so many tender mercies already..running into people who connect with you, make you feel more comfortable...etc.

    Enjoy having the Spirit with you daily.
    You are GREAT!!


  2. Hello Dear Heningers: Just found your blog today and read it from beginning to end! Thank you so much for sharing all the details of the trip, moving in, etc. It makes us all feel involved in your new experiences! And how great that you have run into so many people with links to your past!! Makes life so much fun! I look forward to reading the blog on a regular basis and learning all about your good work there at the base. You two are the perfect people for the job at hand. You are in the prayers of the Brock family! Love, Mo and Bob
