Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Moving On

Saturday, May 31, 2014

It is really hard to believe that the month of May is gone. Life just keeps moving on, whether we do or not. We had a fairly quiet week this week. We have stake conference this weekend, so we will not have services on Post with the soldiers. There are only a handful who are able to leave Post to attend conference so we will be meeting on Post to have a luncheon in order to see the soldiers. During the past couple of weeks, we have had about 10 new soldiers arrive. To date, we have only seen a couple of them at any activities. Last Sunday I was able to reach several of them by phone and talk with them. I believe the single biggest reason that most do not come is that is that it is difficult to find a battle buddy to come with them. Some of them give up before they even try, but some of the females have a real challenge because of their small numbers. They have to be relentless in order to attend regularly. It really challenges their faithfulness.
Josephine, secretary to senior chaplain presents a gift to chaplain Godfrey and his wife

Chaplain shares a few words with the group
This week we attended a luncheon for the senior chaplain on Post. He has received a new assignment in Washington D. C. I think he is on the fast track upward as he only spent 18 months here. It was a nice recognition for him and he has been a good support for us.

This week was also transfers for the young missionaries. Our zone had some major changes. Unfortunately, we have not had  a chance to meet the new missionaries because the chaplain's luncheon was the same time as our district meeting.

It is really starting to get warm,  we pushed 100 degrees a couple of times this week and expect to be in the high 90s for the next week. We are still significantly below Tucson and Phoenix as they both have been well over a 100 for the past few weeks. The wind seems to be letting up some as it heats up.

We recently received some great news from our family. Amy and Christian are expecting their first child in November. That makes three new grandchildren on the way. We certainly have been richly blessed while serving.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Well, a new month is on us and it has started off well. Although we did not have services on Post because of Stake Conference, we did have a luncheon and opportunity to chat. I also had the opportunity to ordain one of our soldiers to the office of Elder. He is the soldier who introduced Alice, the soldier we baptized last month, to the gospel when they first got here. He is a convert of a few years, but has recently become very active and desirous to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and take his wife and children to the temple. Below is a picture of him.
Newest Elder at Fort Huachuca

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