Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Monsoons have arrived

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Well, as you can see below the monsoon season has arrived in southern Arizona. It is an interesting weather phenomena. We have lived in Washington for the last several years where it rains almost continually from October to the first of July. Here in Arizona it has been incredibly dry since we arrived last fall. I think it may have rained two or three times. Since the first of July, it has rained every day and from what I understand, this is what we can expect for the rest of July, August, and part of September. I know that these pictures of rain do not mean much for those of you in Washington, but this is the first real rain we have seen in 9 months

The parking lot in front of our apartment Friday afternoon

Last night we went to the fireworks here in Sierra Vista. They were good, but not quite as impressive as the Vancouver fireworks.
We watched from the car parked behind Walmart

It rained throughout the performance

Wednesday, we had our first meeting with President and Sister Passey. They are going to be wonderful leaders in the mission and we look forward to working with them. They told us that there will be a senior couple from Ft. Collins, CO arriving on the 12th of July to replace the Tanners in Douglas. Their name is Merrill. We look forward to meeting them and assisting them to get settled.

We completed our latest round of missionary apartment inspections. It is remarkable how well Sister Heninger has the missionaries cleaning and preparing for our visits. She does make treats for the ones that pass. Recently, they have all done a remarkable job keeping the places neat and clean. We are very proud of them.
This is one of the missionary places, it is in Hereford, a rural area about 10 miles from the heart of Sierra Vista

In the past two weeks we have received notice of 8 new soldiers arriving. With two more graduating this week, we really do need some new blood. We really hope that they will be active.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Today we did have three new soldiers attend church. Two of them are officers and we did not know about them. We are excited for the new soldiers that we get to know.

New soldier attended today
New officer attending the officer basic course
Another new Lt attending the Basic Officer Course  


Sister Heninger had to have a garden, so here is our garden.
RoLayne's Tomato plant. We have already gotten a few tomatoes from it

The first fruits of RoLayne's garden

1 comment:

  1. Love grandma's garden! That's more tomatoes than we've gotten this year...
