Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, July 2, 2017

No Coincidences at Cove Fort

We often joke that there are no coincidences at Cove Fort. Let me share just a few that have happened recently:

Two days ago, I went out to meet a family that came to the fort. As a supervisor, I usually send one of the missionaries out to great and take folks on a tour. I was talking with this family who were from St. David, Arizona. I told them that we had served a mission in the Tucson, Arizona mission and that we often went to the temple near St. David.   The grandmother in the group then asked where we were from. I told her Vancouver, Washington and she said, "I have a sister in Vancouver." I asked her what her sisters name was, she said, "Elaine Marshall". We know the Marshall family very well as they used to live in our ward and continue to attend often. Below is a picture.

Yesterday, I walked out to great a couple who came to the fort. As I approached them, I recognized one of my best friends growing up, Paul Michaelson. He and his wife Ann were traveling home to Las Vegas from Logan. We had a wonderful, but short visit as we were very busy. RoLayne did take Ann on a tour while Paul and I talked for a few minutes.

A month or so ago, I was sent out to great a couple with two adult sons. About half way through the tour, the wife said, "You don't remember us do you?" I apologized and said that I did not. They said that they were at the fort a month before and I had taken them on a tour and they enjoyed it so much that they brought there two sons back. They were pleased that I was able to take them around, even though I had not remembered them. As we talked, I did remember them coming previously.

A young couple drove by the fort and for some reason decided to turn around and come back to visit the fort. About half way through the tour, the wife saw another lady who was on a tour with another missionary. Both ladies broke into tears and hugged. I learned later that the lady with the other missionary was from Arizona and had decided, on a whim, to stop. The couple I was giving a tour to were newly weds from Herriman, Utah. It seems that the older lady used to live next to the young lady and was like a second mom to her when she was growing up. She moved to Arizona several years ago and they had lost touch.

These are but a few of the incredible "non coincidences" that occur to missionaries here on a regular basis. They are a daily occurrence with missionaries at Cove Fort. We just kind of smile and say, well there is another one. The Lord is aware and concerned with seemingly the most insignificant details. He is in charge!
Elaine Marshall's sister Elizabeth

One  of my best friends growing up, Paul Michaelson and his sweet wife Ann

Today, I had another incredible teaching opportunity. I was the supervisor and we were totally slammed. We had people coming faster than I could greet them and all my missionaries were on tours. At this moment, a young man who was with a group, that I had briefly talked with earlier, came up to me and said, "can I ask you a couple of questions about religion?"

At this moment, I felt the strong urge to sit down and talk with this young man. Despite the fact, we were overwhelmed at that moment with visitors, I had no missionaries available to meet them, and I was the one responsible to meet, greet and direct them where to go, I was prompted to talk to this young man.  We had a short, but powerful discussion for about 10 minutes during which time I shared the story of Joseph Smith's first vision, bore my testimony of the reality of God, and sent him off with a Joseph Smith Pamphlet, a Book of Mormon with a commitment to read and pray about it, and a referral card which I encouraged him to complete and send in. It was a short but powerful moment. It is such a blessing to have these moments. He was 16 years old and reminded me very much of the inquisitive young Joseph Smith, I told him that. I wish I could have spent more time with him as I know he felt something but was not sure what he was feeling.

I feel blessed to have these experiences almost every day. Every day is at least a spiritual snack if  not a spiritual feast.

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