Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Busy, Busy

Saturday, February 08, 2014

We just returned from a trip to the Mesa temple today with the soldiers. It was a really long day as we left at 6:00AM and returned about 6:00PM this evening. We were hoping for a large group to travel with us, but, the army had other ideas and scheduled some training for most of the soldiers. We did have 4 soldiers who attended the temple and two come with us who are not members, so we still count it as a success. Those who could not attend the temple went to the visitor's center and seemed to enjoy themselves. As we were walking through the visitor’s center after the session, we bumped into our mission president and his wife. Glad I sent him a text to let him know we were leaving the mission today to take the troops to the temple.
Soldiers that went to temple. Two on outside front row are not members

This post will be short as we have another long day scheduled tomorrow. We have our normal meetings at the Huachuca Ward as well as the servicemen group in the afternoon. After we feed the soldiers, we will head to Tucson for an Addiction Recovery Training meeting. I expect we will not be home before 10:00PM. I think I am getting too old for this pace, but it is very rewarding.

This week we started inspecting vehicles again. We will try to finish up before we head to Utah on Monday, February 17. I think we are planning to drive to the wedding at this point. We are getting excited to see family and attend Amy’s wedding.

We had a good night at the Coffee house activity last night. We fed more than 300 soldiers. It was nice to mingle and chat with them. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014
We just returned from Tucson where we attended a regional training session for the Church's Addiction Recovery Program. We are considering starting a program on post for the military folks. It was really inspiring to listen to some of the success stories coming from folks who work the program in South Arizona. We had a long but enjoyable day today. The soldiers gave some great talks in Sacrament meeting and we had a really good attendance. I think I will keep it short and close for tonight. We understand that our hometown Vancouver has been experiencing some rather severe weather. In fact we heard that church was cancelled today so it really must be bad. We hope you are able to weather it OK. The forecast for Sierra Vista tomorrow is for clear skies and 75 Degrees.....Sorry.

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