Elder and Sister Heninger

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Wedding

Thursday, February 27, 2014

We left early Monday morning, February 17 and drove all the way from Sierra Vista to Provo, Utah to stay at our daughter Kimberlee’s home. It took us about 13 hours driving. It was a beautiful day, the roads were very good and we had a very nice trip. I do think that I am getting too old for these marathon drives however. We spent Monday night and Tuesday morning at Kim’s place. Our grandchildren were happy to see us and we were excited to see them. We got to spend a few hours playing with, reading stories, and enjoying them. Tuesday morning after we got up, we were just puttering around the house when our little Evaleen, who just turned 4 years old, came up to me and with a very serious tone said, “Grandpa, you're not wearing your badge.” She was referring to my missionary badge. I repented right away and put it on. It is amazing how observant our little children are. It taught me a wonderful lesson about always being on my best behavior and being a good example at all times and in all places. People are aware of who we are and expect certain behavior, this applies whether we are a missionary or not.

Tuesday, we drove to Logan and spent some quality time with Grandma Jane and my sister, Linda. Both of them seem to be doing well. Wednesday we drove back to Salt Lake City in a driving snowstorm. It reminded me why I like winter here in Arizona. Wednesday evening we went to dinner with Amy, Christian, and Christian’s parents. After a wonderful dinner and some visiting, we went to a temple session in the Jordon River Temple. That was our temple when we lived in South Jordon many years ago. Thursday and Friday were spent helping get ready for the wedding. RoLayne spent most of both days with Amy while I tried to stay busy fixing a few simple things at Lisa and Eric’s place.
Saturday was the big day and it started early. The wedding was at 9:40AM at the Salt Lake Temple. Christian’s great Uncle who is an emeritus member of the Seventy married them. It was a beautiful ceremony.
Newlyweds coming out of the temple
All our relatives at the temple
Our Children and the new husband

Bride and her Grandma
The ceremony was followed by pictures next to the temple and a wonderful luncheon provided by the Lawrence family.
Amy, Christian, his  parent and brother and sister at the luncheon
 We were excited to have all our children and grandchildren in town for the wedding and reception. The reception was held at a beautiful reception center and was to begin at 7:00PM. By 6:45, people were lined up so we started the reception line early. There was not a break until almost 9:30PM as people stood in line for up to an hour to see the newlyweds. It was almost overwhelming. We had a large group of relatives from all sides of the families as well as friends we have not seen for many years. It was wonderful but very tiring.
Our Children, Spouses, and Grandchildren

Sunday, we got up and attended sacrament meeting with my aunt and uncle that we stayed with. We then had a nice lunch with them and went to Lisa’s to watch Amy and Christian open presents. People were so generous and they were so pleased with everything that they got. For those who may have sent a card or gift to Amy’s address and had it returned, there was a problem with the Post Office not recognizing their address as it is a new basement apartment. They now have that problem fixed, so if you want to try again, they should receive your card or gift. The most exciting event of the day for me was when I slammed three fingers in the car door. Oh, did that hurt. I am fine, but will probably lose a couple of fingernails. Other than that small event, it was a marvelous week. We left Sunday afternoon and drove to St George, spent the night, and then drove on to Sierra Vista on Monday. We arrived home about 8:00pm tired, but happy and grateful that we were able to be at the wedding. I will update you all on our missionary activities during my next blog entry.

1 comment:

  1. What a treat to find wedding photos posted. So glad you were all together. What a beautiful bride! You all look great and sound good too! I lost Amy's address, can you post or send it to me. marilyn.richardson531@gmail.com
