Elder and Sister Heninger

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Cousin Walt

Saturday, March 15, 2014

It is hard to believe another week has flown by. This week was pretty routine as weeks here in Arizona go. The wind has picked up and blows almost every day. They say it blows pretty much all spring. It can be a bit annoying as the dust blows around with gusts well over 40 MPH at times. Still, it is not blowing rain or snow around so we are dealing with it.

Three New Soldiers
Last Sunday we had three new soldiers attend church for the first time. It was nice to meet them. They seem like good young men. One is a fairly new convert and has a young family. He is anxious to take them to the temple so will be working with the bishop to be ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood. Two are returned missionaries. We are excited to work with them. I also just received notice from a couple of senior missionaries at other bases that we have 4 more soldiers coming. They just keep coming and going. We love meeting new soldiers.

Thursday, we started our Institute class on Post. Unfortunately, the army had other plans for our soldiers and most all were in a lock down situation and unable to attend. We will try again next Thursday. There were several who really wanted to come but were unable.

Friday, I took a few hours off and went to the local golf course for a round of golf. They paired me up with a gentleman name Walt.
My new friend, Walt Henninger
As we talked I discovered he is the other Heninger in Sierra Vista. He said that he has never met another Heninger or "Henninger" as he spells it. We had a good time and talked a little genealogy along the way. His family immigrated much later than ours and settled in San Francisco. 

Friday night was the Coffee House activity.
The Coffee House Ladies and their Beef Stoganoff
The attendance was down as one entire battalion of soldiers were called in to do drug testing and could not come. It was unfortunate as a group of ladies had made beef stroganoff for all.
Jo, the miracle Lady from the Chaplain's office and Sister Heninger
It was nice to have Jo, the lady who works in the chaplain’s office and who runs the whole affair back for the first time in several months. She was out with two major surgeries, one to remove a large, 40 pound cancerous tumor, and another to replace her hip. We refer to her as our miracle women. She is a really sweet lady and helps us a lot.

Huachuca Ward Youth Rummage sale
This morning the Huachuca ward had a pancake breakfast and rummage sale as a fundraiser for the youth summer camps. It was fun to watch the youth run the activity with minimal oversight by the leaders. All things were sold by donation based on what the folks were willing to pay. There were a couple of groups that I think were professional garage sale participants who picked up large quantities of stuff. Hopefully, they paid reasonable prices so the youth made some money. RoLayne bought some handmade blankets and pottery. More stuff to bring home. We may need a moving van before we are done.

Well, that is about all that I can think of for now. This was not a great teaching week as our appointments fell through and soldiers were not able to attend Institute class, but we had a very spiritual district meeting with our missionaries. We hope all of you have a great week.

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