Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Last Saturday morning, March 22, I woke up with a very stiff and sore neck. I could not move my head more than about 10 degrees either direction. I really struggled through the day. On Sunday, I attended sacrament meeting and then went out and sat in the car during the other meetings because I was in such discomfort. The only relief I got was sitting with my head against a headrest.
Not very flattering, but the hot pad felt good
Sister Gonzales referred me to her Chiropractor and I was able to get in for an appointment on Monday. Needless to say, it has been a painful and difficult week as he has worked to get me some relief. He has done a marvelous job and I am better now than I have been in months relating to movement and pain in my neck and back. I was so bad on Monday when I first went in that he could not make any adjustments at all. He did some massage, heat treatments, and electrical stimulation. When I called to make the appointment, the receptionist explained the billing procedures to me. When the doctor met with me to tell me his proposed treatment plan, he said, with missionaries there is no copay. We will accept whatever the insurance pays as total payment. I told him that I have not met my deductible on my insurance and he said, that is fine. I was so touched by his kindness, caring, and wonderful treatment. Friday, RoLayne and I were sitting in a restaurant, just getting ready to pay the waitress when a couple came by on their way out and dropped a $20 bill on our table and said, dinner is on us tonight. I have never seen them before. This was just another random act of kindness. The missionaries are really loved and cared for here in Sierra Vista.

We had a wonderful Institute class this week with six soldiers in attendance.
Institute Instructor in action

Associate Institute  Instructor and pianist
They are a delightful group to teach and work with. They are so appreciative of everything that we do.
 We continued missionary vehicle inspections this week with a trip to Benson to inspect the St. David zone vehicles. Once again, we bumped into President and Sister Killpack. They probably think we are stalking them.

We did get some sad news this week. If you remember, about Christmas time we had a mission conference and I mentioned Sister Larson, whose husband is President Larson, second counselor in the mission presidency.
President and Sister Larson (center) at Christmas Missionary Conference
She spoke to us and talked about her journey in life and how she had planned a trip to a certain location and that her destination had been altered. She was suffering from pancreatic cancer and passed away last week. She was a very dear soul and will be greatly missed.

Sister Heninger is having garden withdrawal pains. I think she is going to plant a patio garden in front of our apartment. She will probably also be stopping by the Kovacs on a regular basis to help pull weeds.
Service Men's Group Support staff with a soldier. Group Leader and Sister Kovacs, a Soldier, Assistant Group Leader and Sister Gonzales, and the Heningers,

Young lady came as a battle buddy two weeks ago. This week the missionaries started teaching her the discussions

Except for having a pain in the neck this week, (RoLayne would probably say except for me being a pain in the neck), this was a wonderful week and we are enjoying the association with everyone down here. It is always great to hear from family and friends, so don’t forget to drop us a line from time to time.


  1. Ben says...."So you woke up as a part of a 'stiff-necked people' Isn't my husband hilarious. Glad you are feeling better. We do enjoy reading your blog each week.

  2. Happy to hear you're being so well cared for! Love hearing about your adventures, spiritual and otherwise:)
