Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, May 18, 2014

It is heating up!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

It is heating up! Yes, the weather is getting warmer too. This month our missionaries are on track to have 10 baptisms in the zone. The first few months we were here, there were less than that number over a period of six months. The missionaries that have been serving here the past couple of transfers are outstanding. We have enjoyed meeting with them in zone and district meetings. It is very clear as we listen to them teach, which have been trained and were ready to serve and which ones were less prepared. We have observed one missionary, who by his own admission was not ready to serve when he came out, struggle to become an effective missionary. He has some other issues as well that impact him. We have watched him grow during the past 3 months and he is improving and wants to be an effective missionary. If I can give any counsel to my grandsons and granddaughters who choose to serve, prepare yourselves now! Study the scriptures, become familiar and comfortable with Preach My Gospel and be able to teach from it. It is inspired. Learn to recognize the spirit in your life and understand when it is whispering to you. Accept opportunities to lead and learn how to be obedient. I know that you are all well on your way. We have worked with some powerful missionaries here who were prepared and hit the ground running when they arrived. They have touched many lives including ours.

This week started off really busy for RoLayne. On Mother's Day she spoke in sacrament meeting, played the piano for sacrament and priesthood/relief society, and then fed the soldiers by herself as the other two sisters who usually help were gone. She was ready to relax after church. 

Tuesday, we trained a new lady at the Turnaround Point.  They are hoping to open the facility on Wednesdays in addition to Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. We had quite a few customers and a lot of donations to sort through.

Wednesday we drove to Wilcox and inspected the St. David zone missionary vehicles. Each month we inspect 13 vehicles between the Sierra Vista and St. David zones. We try to catch them at zone meetings which saves us several hundred miles of driving. The missionaries are scattered all over southern Arizona.

Thursday, our soldier who got married last month, graduated and we were able to attend. He is a great young man and we have grown to love him almost as a son. We also taught institute class. Our newest member was there which pleased us greatly. 
Our soldier receiving his diploma as he graduated

This young man was always positive and smiling. He is a great young man!
The entire class reciting the army creed and singing the army song, very touching.
Group leader and wife on left, assistant group leader in uniform next to graduate, Senior Missionaries on the right

Friday, we drove he and a fellow soldier to Tucson to catch a flight home to Virginia for a week or so before he heads to Korea. He is hoping that his new bride will be able to join him. We have lost seven soldiers through graduation the past month. We were sad as our numbers dwindled. Yesterday we were rewarded as I received notice from Fort Sill that 7 LDS soldiers are coming our way. In addition, there are two from Fort Jackson and two from Fort Leonard Wood. Hopefully, most or all are active.

Today, we attended three different baptisms. The first was a 9 year old convert baptism. The second baptism had a mother and high school age daughter baptized. The daughter had a high school friend baptize her. Afterward, both daughter and mom bore very tender but powerful testimonies about their conversion. The final baptism was for a child in the Huachuca ward. Her father is a counselor in the bishopric and battalion commander on post. One of the Post Chaplains came to the baptism. Afterwards, I gave him a tour of our building and explained our Sunday services. It was nice of him to come and support the commander of the battalion he ministers to.

We hope that you are all well. We would love to hear from you. Please feel free to drop us a note or give us a call. I was really pleased to hear from a dear friend this past week. We are not restricted to mother’s day and Christmas phone calls like the young missionaries. Feel free to call us any time. If we are busy leave a message and we will call you back.

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