Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Senior's Conference

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Last Sunday we had a very spiritual Fast and Testimony Meeting. I continue to be amazed at the spirituality that these soldiers are able to maintain in the midst of adverse conditions. We had two new soldiers attend. 
Second Lieutenant from Washington

Soldier from Utah National Guard
They are attending the basic officers course so are Second Lieutenants rather than new soldiers right out of basic training. I think they will add tremendously to the group as they have “been there, done that” and are able to relate and counsel the young soldiers what to expect and to not get discouraged. This is really the only environment that the young soldiers get an opportunity to mingle with regular army folks as opposed to just their drill sergeant. Both the new soldiers are married and have 5 and 4 children respectively so I think that they will be a blessing to the newly married soldiers as well.

Tuesday, we had a senior missionary conference that included all the senior missionaries in the mission. We met at the chapel next to the Gila Valley temple for a couple of hours of instruction, then enjoyed lunch together and attended a temple session. 
Senior Missionaries of the Arizona, Tucson Mission

Senior Missionaries at lunch. Couple on left just arrived, couple on right going home next month

Senior couple that we found with Heningers three generations back in their ancestry

Moment of relaxation and discussion

It was a very enjoyable day. We do not get to mingle much with other senior missionaries other than the Tanners who are in Douglas. It was nice to get to know some of them better. To those who may be considering a senior mission, the church and the leaders are so appreciative and so kind to us. They respect our experience and give us a lot of latitude to live our lives as we serve. It is like moving from the telestial world at least up to a terrestrial and sometimes celestial experience being out here and putting the cares of the world aside.

Wednesday we inspected all the vehicles in our zone, attended the zone training meeting, and had an interview with President Killpack. The zone leaders lead the training and really did a great job.

Thursday we met with the member who is working on getting active again and taught her a lesson about "learning by faith", based on a talk that Elder Bednar gave in 2007 to a CES group of teachers. We also talked about being resiliant in the gospel and overcoming adversity. Elder Bednar's talk is very insightful; I encourage all to read it. 
During our interview with President Killpack, we discussed the two sisters we are working with. It was really amazing; he had met both these sisters and knew their stories. The one we taught this week was baptized the first week he and Sister Killpack were on their mission and they attended her baptism. I was impressed with his memory.

This was a particularly challenging week for the soldiers, they had a PT test as well as a large phase test. As a result they were not able to attend Institute Thursday evening, so I have next week’s lesson already planned. It is starting to warm up here in Sierra Vista, we have hit 90 degrees a couple of times. The wind continues to blow every day. It is still very pleasant in the mornings for our walk, usually sunny and about 60 degrees.

Friday night was spent at the Coffee House activity with the soldiers. We must have had at least 300 soldiers come for the fried chicken. We spent quite a bit of time talking with some of our LDS soldiers, which we always enjoy.

RoLayne has been preparing a talk for Sacrament meeting all week. Since the other two couples are gone this weekend, she has to play the piano in both sacrament meeting and Priesthood/Relief Society and be responsible for all the food for the linger longer after church. I have helped by mostly staying out of the way.    

We are still having a wonderful time. It seems that our family is all doing well so we feel very blessed. We hope that you are doing well and we wish all you mothers a very Happy Mother's Day!

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