Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Tribute to my parents

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Today is my father's birthday. He would be 91 today. As I reflect on the great legacy that he left me, I reflect on the kind of person  he was and the things he taught us as children. Some of the words from his obituary come to my mind. "Howard taught his posterity to work hard, fulfill obligations with dignity and honor, be true to their word and be self reliant and resourceful." It was an honor to be his son. I look forward to the day that we can be reunited. What a joy it will be to see him and thank him again for all he did and who he was.

This week we also remember my mother's birthday on September 6 and my step mom Jane's 80th birthday on September 3. My mother would be 89 next week. Both of these are great ladies and both have had a major impact on my life for good.

My mom and dad the day I was commissioned in 1972.
Dad and Jane, sometime in the 1980s, I think

This week started off great as we attended a half mission conference in Benson. We were honored to be taught by Elder Per Malm of the Seventy as well as our mission president and his wife. It was an uplifting and inspiring day. Elder Malm instructed us for about 3 hours and encouraged us to take the mission to new heights. He taught us how to do that. He taught us to plan, to rely on the Lord, to be worthy and to ask. He taught the missionaries to be their own mission president and to do as the president would do and to be obedient.

Tuesday we had a fruitful day at the Turn Around Point. The customers there really enjoy and appreciate the facility and the service provided. We had a new customer who had not been in before. She was so pleased and excited about the facility and service. It is nice to be appreciated.

The Gila Valley Temple

Wednesday, we did not have anything scheduled so we took the day and drove over to the Gila Valley Temple. It was such a joy to be back in the temple. It is a beautiful little temple and the workers there are so friendly. I have really missed the special feeling and spirit that reside there.

Thursday, I talked to one of our soldiers who has struggled from time to time but with whom we have developed a special friendship. He was pretty down as his entire company was in lock down because of the bad behavior of 4 soldiers.  Just the army way, punish all for the sins of a few. The next day he was to have his wisdom teeth out. He was actually looking forward to the extraction to get out of lock down. He had also failed a test the previous week. As I said, he was down. I tried to encourage him and let him know all these things are temporary and will pass. He graduates on September 10th so is really looking forward to that. We have had some good conversations about "life" things. He is the only member of the church in his family and has not been real active in the past but he is a good young man with a tender spirit.

Thursday evening RoLayne attended a Stake Relief Society service activity where they tied baby blankets to be donated to an organization on the Post. It's nice to help with the needs of others.

Today we get to attend a baptism for 3 sisters in our ward. It is wife of a member and two step daughters. It is very exciting to watch people accept the gospel and let it change their lives as they progress and grow in the gospel.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Kovacs were out of town today so Brother Gonzales conducted the meetings. The young missionaries, Elders Siglan and Schwantes were the speakers and did a good job. We had three new member soldiers in attendance from the Utah National Guard who are here for training. One of our regular soldiers also brought a non-member friend. All in all it was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Love the tributes! I hope my kids understand how blessed they are, to have such strong and faithful grandparents and great-grandparents to look up to (and live up to that legacy:)
