Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Zone Training

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Yesterday, we had lunch with President and Sister Passey. We had a nice conversation and appreciated the opportunity to spend some informal time with them. We are really blessed to have a wonderful leader like him.

Last night was our monthly Coffee House activity. We served chicken from Fry's grocery store to almost 300 soldiers. We did get the opportunity to meet about 5 LDS soldiers that we have not seen at church. We were able to introduce ourselves and tell them we miss them. Only one claimed not to be a member. He was a young man who's mother called us and asked us to find him. This is the first time I have been able to talk with him. At least I know where he is now and how long he will be here.

The lady from the Chaplain's office that we work closely with had a relapse of the cancer she had been treated for. Six months ago the doctors removed a 40 pound tumor from her abdominal area. She had surgery yesterday and they found two tumors, one was about 12-14 pounds and was intertwined with her intestines. During the surgery, they apparently punctured her intestine. She is in very serious condition and has a long recovery road ahead. We are praying for her and hope for a full recovery.

Wednesday, we met with the other missionaries in our zone for training. One of the zone leaders and our district leader are both very young missionaries. They have been out less than a year. I am so impressed with the quality of training that they provided and the testimonies they bear. We had the opportunity to go to lunch with the Merrills after the training. they are the senior missionary couple serving in Douglas. They are wonderful folks.
Zone Training

Zone leaders conducting training with some missionaries role playing a ward council

The Douglas Missionary Couple

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