Elder and Sister Heninger

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Top 1%

Sunday, September 14, 2014

This past week we remembered the 9/11 attack 13 years ago. As our government prepares to once again introduce our military into an armed conflict, it is important to remember and honor the men and women who put their lives on the line and their families who support them and suffer separations while they serve. In this great country, we rely on approximately 1% of our population to provide the defense for the rest of us. We must never forget their sacrifice. If it were not for them, we would not enjoy all the freedoms and blessings that are currently ours. Please remember them and pray for them. Theirs is not a life of ease and comfort. We know families that are separated right now because a father is deployed, leaving wife and mother to bear the burdens of the family. These folks are dedicated, they do not complain, they are proud to serve. They are the best our country has to offer and we are blessed to have them. Please, when you have the opportunity, thank a veteren.

We are proud and honored to have been associated with these great men, women, and their families for the past year. We will be leaving this mission in about a week and a half, but much of what we have experienced will never leave us.

We had a wonderful Zone Training meeting on Wednesday. The two zone leaders and one district leader gave us some pearls of wisdom way beyond their years. This young group of missionaries continue to amaze us with their abilities. Last month our zone lead the mission in baptisms again. The missionaries in our ward had 4 baptisms, I am not sure what the zone total was.

We had two graduations this week. Each graduation had one LDS soldier in it. One was a Lieutenant and the other was a private who completed Maintenance school so that he can work on UAVs (Unmanned Air Vehicles).

Young Private who graduated

2nd Lieutenant graduate from Basic Officer Intelligence Training

Friday, a missionary couple that is serving in Tucson came down and spent the day with us. We met them at the temple a few months ago. My 5th great grandfather on the Heninger line and his 5th great grandfather were brothers. We had a nice visit and got to know each other a little better. They are sort of from Houston, but have bounced around quite a bit. We gave them a tour of the Post and took them to the museum on Post. I snapped a few pictures at the museum that I will share with you.

Some of the first UAVs used by the army

This vehicle was used for "observing" and gathering intelligence in East Germany

Buffalo Soldiers were a big part of the history of Fort Huachuca for many years

 Following our tour we had a late lunch and sent them on their way. We then went to our monthly Coffee House Activity with the soldiers. It was a good night. I had the opportunity to meet with a few soldiers that we either did not know before or that we had not seen for a long while. One young man, that we have not seen at church, searched me out and we talked for a long time. He was very discouraged with some things that are going on in his life. I gave him some counsel that I hope will help him and I gave him my telephone number and told him to call me, even after we are released and that I will help him any way I can.

I think we fed more than 300 soldiers at the Coffee House Friday night

The lady volunteers who feed the soldiers taking a break after the feeding frenzy

Some of the soldiers playing dodge ball

Our dear little 87 year old volunteer friend Eide, who oversees the baking of all the cookies

This is the Assistant Chaplain that we work with most. He is a great young man and has been a real help to us.

We look forward to seeing you all very soon. We have one more Sunday here before heading north.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma's birthday party turned out great. It was nice to have your three daughters and spouses and kids there, as well as LaPrele and Einar, Eric and Lisa D and kids and Dave and I. We represented the Heningers. The other 100 were Mechams ....or Wadsworths. It was fun to see all of Patti's kids and grandkids.
    I was a little disappointed that as Steve shared Grandma's history that Dad was mentioned so little. She was married to him for 20 years. Patti received 1100 dollars for Grandma's headstone.
    Thank you for representing our family so well in the mission field. Mom and Dad would be so very proud of you.....again.
    Love you.
