Elder and Sister Heninger

Monday, September 22, 2014

The end is near

Sunday, September 21, 2014

This week has been a week of lasts and goodbyes. Wednesday, we attended our last district meeting with the missionaries. Today, we attended both the Huachuca Ward and military group meetings for the last time. It was a bittersweet time for us. We will really miss all the wonderful people here.

Our schedule for this week is as follows:

Monday- Finish cleaning the apartment and prepare to meet the new missionaries who should arrive sometime tomorrow. We will move our stuff out and allow the new couple to move in and start to get settled. We will spend tomorrow night with some friends here in Sierra Vista.
Tuesday- We will take the new couple to the base and orient them. We will work with them at the Turn Around Point and introduce them to the lady that we work with there. We will give them a tour of the base and show them what we do. We will introduce them to some of the Chaplains. We have an appointment to stop by the Chaplain's secretary who is recovering from surgery to introduce them to her. Finally, we will meet at the Olive Garden Restaurant for dinner with the new couple and the other couples we work with in the Service Member Group. Following dinner, we are off to Tucson to stay at Lori's place.
Wednesday- We have an appointment with President Passey at 10:00AM and then we will head for home. We plan to spend the night in Kanab.
Thursday- We will drive to Orem and stay with Kim and family for a few days. Her twins will be blessed on Sunday.
Monday- We will head up to Logan to visit Jane and Linda.
Wednesday- We head for home
Thursday- We have an interview with President Shafer to be released

Last week we did get to spend a couple of days at Lori's visiting and enjoying time with family. It was nice. We got some of our stuff transported and put in the trailer for the winter. I am not convinced we will get everything we plan to bring home in the car. It will be interesting.

Saturday, I got a call that really made my day. A young man who recently graduated from class here and who I was concerned about staying active and involved with the church, called me from Fort Bliss to ask how to contact the church there. I was so pleased he took that initiative and am hopeful he will continue to progress.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Well, I did not get this published yesterday. We have just finished  packing the car and RoLayne is wrapping up cleaning a few small things. We talked with the Millers this morning and they will be here around 5:30PM. We will wait here and give them the keys and head to Kovacs for dinner and a nights rest.

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