Elder and Sister Heninger

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

We are Home!!

The Millers arrived in Sierra Vista late afternoon on Monday, September 22.

Elder Dallas and Sister Nancy Miller upon their arrival in Sierra Vista
We showed them the apartment and left them to get settled. Tuesday morning, we met them and took them to the Turn Around Point to introduce them to Alisha Whitney and train them on duties there. We gave them a tour of the base and showed them the town. We stopped and visited Jo Moore and introduced them to her.

Tuesday evening, we met at the Olive Garden Restaurant for dinner with the Millers, Kovacs, and Gonzales'. We had a wonderful dinner and opportunity to let everyone get acquainted.

From left to right, Genevieve and Tony Kovaks, The Millers, The Heningers, Maria and Caesar Gonzales
Following dinner, we departed and drove to Lori and Dusty's place in Tucson for the night.

Wednesday, we got up early, closed up the 5th wheel trailer and headed to the mission office for an interview with President Passey. That lasted about an hour and was wonderful. He was very gracious and grateful for our service.

President Passey with us as we get ready to leave the mission
We left there about 11:00AM and drove to Kanab, Utah, spending the night there. Thursday, we  drove to Orem, Utah.

We spent several days playing with the grandkids and especially the twins. Sunday, we assisted Ben in blessing Dallin and Lily.

Dallin and Lilly just before their blessing
Two proud grandparents
Children left to right, Hyrum, Dallin, James, Lily, Evaleen. Parents Kim and Ben Schoonmaker
Monday, we headed to Cache Valley to spend a couple of days with grandma Jane and Linda.

Wednesday, we left Logan and drove all the way home. Since Wednesday, we have been trying to move back into our house and get everything unpacked. Thursday, we met with President Anderson, first counselor in the stake, to be released.

This officially finished our mission. It was a great experience that we will never forget. We made some friendships that we hope will last an eternity. It has been a bit strange not wearing the badge. It was wonderful to see all our family and we are grateful to be home. The people in Arizona will always hold a special place in our heart.

It is now time to prepare for our next adventure. I am not sure what that will be, but we will do our best.

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