Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Monday morning, March 27, 2017 we entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah for training to prepare us for our missionary service at Cove Fort, Utah.

To say it has been an inspiring experience would be an understatement. We have been treated to an spiritual experience that we will not soon forget.

 The  instructors here are all young returned missionaries and they do an awesome job. They are powerful teachers and teach with the  spirit. We have learned  many things  during  our stay here.
Our Morning Instructors Sisters Anderson & Peterson

Our Afternoon Instructors, Sister Pugsley & Ritchie

We were treated to a devotional given by Elder Palmer of the Seventy on Tuesday night. Tuesday through Friday we attended classes during the day learning  how to share the gospel with all we meet. We had a special opportunity to get to know one other couple especially well as we were asked to sit with them during meals and get to know them. We then had the opportunity to teach and be taught by them. It turned into a wonderful experience and opportunity to make some long term friends. We worked  with the Thompsons from Snowflake, AZ. They are a wonderful couple that are going to the Utah Salt Lake South Mission as record retention missionaries.

We  were divided into districts and I was assigned as the district leader. Our districts met together all week in training, so we got to become well acquainted with each couple during the week. The other members of our district were; Summers, Gunthers, and Whitakers. They were all wonderful folks.

One of the most inspiring moments of the week was the opening song on the very first day. A young Elder, who was called to serve with his parents, lead us in "Called to Serve". He was so enthusiastic as he stood supported by his father and conducted the song. He suffers from Cerebral Palsy but was so delightful and his parents are wonderful people.
Elder and Sister Coates along with Elder "Markie"

In addition to the above great missionaries, we met 5 other couples that are going to Cove Fort. We have also had the opportunity to visit with some of our own family while here at the MTC.

We will be leaving here Tuesday after class to drive down the Cove Fort.

We hope that all is going well for each of you.We miss you and love you, but we are happy and grateful for the opportunity to serve our Heavenly Father.

Here are some more photos for your review.
Our District at the MTC

The Thompsons, we taught each other

Our Room at the  MTC

1 comment:

  1. So glad you've started this up again -- we love seeing the pictures and hearing about what you're up to! Hugs from Hillsboro:)
