Elder and Sister Heninger

Monday, April 7, 2014

Great Teaching Week

Thursday, April 03, 2014

I usually wait until later in the week to write here, but this has been such an incredible night, I had to stop and capture some of the amazing events of the evening. We never know how many are going to be in attendance. We prepared to do an introduction to the Book of Mormon tonight as that is our planned course of study. Only two soldiers showed up, but one of them was a soldier that we knew about but had not met. We thought that he had been discharged. We had an opportunity to get to know him and find out that he has been going through some significant family issues since he has been here. He was baptized during basic, just before coming to Fort Huachuca but had never attended in the past three months. His military career is coming to a head this weekend as he finds out if he is to be separated or transferred to another MOS or career field. He was feeling pretty low today, but had gone to visit the chaplain about his situation. As he returned to his barracks, he received a text that I sent him about Institute class tonight and decided he needed to come. He was very humble and we were able to talk quite frankly about some issues including how he can receive strength in his adversities by trusting in the Lord and keeping his commandment. We explained how he can also receive strength through his association with other members. After talking with him for a while, several other soldiers showed up and we started our class. The timing could not have been better. The lesson went very well and the spirit was very strong. One of our newer soldiers who has brought a young women with him a couple of times told us how she has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it. She had a serious concern and opened the book to 3 Nephi and read a few verses and found the answer to her concern. The spirit bore testimony to her that the Book of Mormon is true. Tonight, she had a discussion with the young missionaries while we were in Institute and has committed to be baptized. 

During our discussion in Institute,  I passed out some  slips with gospel questions that could be answered in the Book of Mormon. We had each person then find the answer to their question in the Book of Mormon. The young man who was having family problems came up after class and asked me if I had intentionally given him the question he got. I said no, that I had just passed them out. He showed me the question. It was, "How can my family be happier and more united? (See Mosiah 4:14–15.)" He said, this is the answer I have been looking for. I told him it was not a coincidence that he came tonight and it was not coincidence that he found and answer to his question.
We are really being blessed right now as a zone and as a missionary couple. We are working with a sister who has been less active for some time and is now intent on getting active and going to the temple. In the few weeks we have been teaching her, I can see a significant change in her countenance and enthusiasm for the gospel. She is reading the scriptures and has been to church twice in a row now. It is really amazing how immediate and powerful the impact of the spirit on a soul who is searching for the truth can be.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Wasn't conference wonderful? We had the opportunity to spend the day yesterday with some soldiers at the Fort. A brother in our ward is the Battalion commander and allowed us to use his conference room to view the morning and afternoon sessions. We prepared a light lunch for the soldiers between sessions. 
Enjoying lunch with the soldiers between sessions of conference

Last week was busier than normal and rewarding. I already mentioned above some of the teaching opportunities we had which were uplifting and rewarding for us. Our district meeting was really good. Afterwards, a member of one of the local wards prepared a nice lunch for all the district missionaries.
Brother "Big Mike" who fixed missionaries lunch after district meeting

Elder and Sister you know who, relaxing after lunch with the district
Lunch for the Missionaries after district meeting

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