Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A highpoint of our mission

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The last two days could well be the high  point of our mission.
The week started much like many other weeks we have experienced here in Sierra Vista. Since RoLayne was sick last weekend, we did not do too much on Monday. We were scheduled to feed the missionaries, but with RoLayne’s illness, we had to cancel that. Tuesday we had one of our busier days at the Turn-Around Point as someone brought in a mass of things Monday and filled the halls. We made a good dent sorting, throwing away junk, and placing items out for customers. Tuesday, we finished reviewing the discussions with the sister we have been working with. That went well and she is committed to talk to the bishop about preparing to go to the temple. Wednesday we attended our district meeting which was good. Thursday was spent preparing for and teaching Institute. We had a good attendance and good class. Friday, we got up early and drove the 110 miles to the Gila Valley Temple to attend a session with the missionaries of our zone. That was a refreshing experience. It was a very large session for that little temple with an additional 22 missionaries. We met a couple from Tacoma named Lawrenson who were visiting. They were a nice couple so we decided to go to lunch with them. As it turns out, they know the Ted Smith family that used to live in our ward. They also know Rick Dyer’s brother Dan. We stopped at a small Hawaiian restaurant that was recommended by the missionaries. 
Surprise, surprise, we bumped into President and Sister Killpack. That is the 4th time in the past couple of months that we have randomly bumped into them. They probably think we are stalking them.

Saturday morning we got up early and drove back to the temple. This time we went with the Kovacs. One of our soldiers that we work with on the post got married. His wife and family came from Virginia, New Hampshire, and Las Vegas. Considering the distance, there were a lot who came. It was a very simple, but beautiful ceremony. He was originally scheduled to get married after graduation in May, but got orders to Korea and was hopeful that if he was married, she may be able to go with him. Otherwise they would get married and he would be deployed for a year in Korea alone. Because of this they moved the date up about a month ago. As I said, very simple, not many family and friends, no wedding gown, no reception, no ring, no honeymoon. In fact, trust the army, he had to be back in the dormitory his wedding night at 9:00PM. That was very disappointing and a very bad PR move by the army. Despite all that, it was a beautiful ceremony. Following the ceremony, I became the official wedding photographer, since they didn’t have that arranged either. The wind was blowing outside the temple about 40 mph. That made it interesting. Following photos, we went to lunch with the family at a Mexican restaurant. The luncheon also was not scheduled, (We waited about an hour at the restaurant to get everyone in.) Despite the delay, it also was very nice and we had a chance to talk with the family members while we waited.
Joseph and Natalie as they left the temple, newly wed

Newlyweds with those who work with the soldiers in the service member's group

Everyone who attended the wedding, except the bishop and his wife who had to leave

Following lunch, we hurried back to Sierra Vista where we had the opportunity to participate in the baptism of our soldier investigator. She was baptized by the soldier who introduced her to the gospel. It was an awesome day!! Life does not get much better than to be able to be a part of two wonderful ceremonies. Today, I was honored to confirm and bless our newest member. It was a very humbling experience. We expect great things from this young lady.
New member and soldier who baptized her
Missionaries who taught and prepared Alice, soldier who introduced gospel to her baptized her.

Two members who are in Alice's class on outside. Girl on right was her battle buddy who attended so Alice could come.

Newly confirmed member of the church

Sunday, April 20, 2014

More of the Same

Saturday, April 19, 2014
Another week has raced by. This has been a good, but fairly quiet week by comparison. Transfers were this week and our zone experienced another significant shakeup. Nine of the ten companion-ships were changed. We got one new zone leader, Elder Hickenlooper from Kaysville and a new district leader in Elder Curtis from Rigby, Idaho. Sister Wilkinson, our neighbor Sister Missionary from St. George was also transferred. We will really miss her as she has been here almost as long as we have been here. We taught our less active sister on Tuesday. She is really doing well. Thursday institute was not well attended, three, but our investigator was there and was really moved by our discussion about the temple. She has really grown and is on track to be baptized on 26 April. We are planning a trip to the Mesa Temple with the soldiers on May 3 and hope to be able to take her to do baptisms. The army still makes it difficult at times for these young folks to attend various activities which is discouraging at times for the soldiers.
We took a quick trip to Tucson yesterday to pick up some items and get our Costco fix for a while. We also stopped and visited with Lori’s family who were out of school for Good Friday. It is always nice to spend time with family. We have such a great family!

Sunday, April 20, 2014
We had a wonderful Easter Sunday, except that RoLayne got food poisoning and was extremely sick all night. She was not able to attend church today. She is doing quite a bit better, but is not well yet. The stake presidency attended our sacrament services as did a goodly number of soldiers. Four soldiers who are graduating on Thursday were there to say goodbye to the group. We saw some soldiers that we have not seen for a while as well. We had the largest attendance we have seen since we came. 

This week will be a fun week as well. Thursday, 6 of our soldiers will be graduating and leaving us. Saturday morning, one of the soldiers is getting married in the Gila Valley Temple, and Saturday evening our soldier investigator is getting baptized. Should be a great week. Hopefully, RoLayne gets better so we can enjoy the festivities.
Well, I really cannot think of much more to write so we will keep it short for this week. I will add some miscellaneous pictures for your enjoyment. I think folks like the pictures better than my babbling anyway.
New Zone Leader on left with current ZL on right

New District Leader on right

Looking down main street in Bisbee.  See B on mountain

Looking up main street in Bisbee. Tourists in foreground

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Priceless Experience.......and some Fun and Games

Saturday, April 12, 2014

One of the advantages of being senior missionaries is that you can have visitors. RoLayne’s brother Dave and his wife Mary drove down from Payson, Utah and stayed with us Sunday through Tuesday night. It was really nice to see them and to spend some time with them. Monday we took them to Bisbee, went through the mining museum, walked the streets shopping, then went to lunch at the Copper Queen Hotel. From there we drove over to Tombstone, arriving in time to see the OK corral museum and the shootout at the OK Corral.
RoLayne and Mary hanging out with the Earp brothers and Doc Holliday
Tuesday, Dave and I got up and went golfing. RoLayne took Mary to work at the Turnaround Point. This was followed by a trip to the Karchner Caverns which is a relatively new discovery. It has only been open for about 14 years. We ended the day with a steak dinner cooked at home and some relaxing conversation.

Wednesday, it was back to work with our zone meeting followed by a discussion with the lady we have been teaching. The lesson went very well and she set a goal date to be ready to go to the temple. Thursday and Friday were spent inspecting apartments as well as teaching Institute. It was the best inspection results we have had so far. All seven apartments were sparkling clean and in good repair. It is amazing that when the missionaries are obedient and hard working all kinds of good things happen. In addition to great car and apartment inspections, we have had at least 4 baptisms the past two weeks in the zone and several
more on track to be baptized. We are losing one of our wonderful missionaries next week. 

Our wonderful district leader (right) who goes home Tuesday
Elder Chamberlain, our district leader is going home. He is going out with a bang and two baptisms in two weeks.
Today, we finished up our last inspection in preparation for transfers next week, we went to a baptism and then to a discussion for one of our soldiers. We are so blessed to be here at this time. We want you all to know how much we love the work, the missionaries, and the soldiers. It is one of the great blessings of my life to be here with Sister Heninger. We miss you all but would not rather be anywhere else right now.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Our investigator, (left), the first week she visited the group
We had a very special experience today in Testimony Meeting. The young female soldier that has been receiving the missionary discussions bore her testimony today. She shared her moment of conversion which was very touching. She said that she had been praying about what she should do and whether the church was true. She had just received a Book of Mormon a day or two before. Following her prayer, she opened the Book of Mormon and began to read in 3 Nephi 27: 20-22. There was her answer! You should read this scripture. It was pretty plain to her that her prays had been answered, she had found the Lord's Church, and that she should be baptized. Despite opposition from family and some from other soldiers, she is resolved to be baptized in two weeks. She is a great young lady and has wonderful potential. I could see her as a missionary before long. We have watched her grow from her first visit which is something I will not soon forget. Watching the gospel and the spirit light up the countenance of these wonderful souls is priceless.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Great Teaching Week

Thursday, April 03, 2014

I usually wait until later in the week to write here, but this has been such an incredible night, I had to stop and capture some of the amazing events of the evening. We never know how many are going to be in attendance. We prepared to do an introduction to the Book of Mormon tonight as that is our planned course of study. Only two soldiers showed up, but one of them was a soldier that we knew about but had not met. We thought that he had been discharged. We had an opportunity to get to know him and find out that he has been going through some significant family issues since he has been here. He was baptized during basic, just before coming to Fort Huachuca but had never attended in the past three months. His military career is coming to a head this weekend as he finds out if he is to be separated or transferred to another MOS or career field. He was feeling pretty low today, but had gone to visit the chaplain about his situation. As he returned to his barracks, he received a text that I sent him about Institute class tonight and decided he needed to come. He was very humble and we were able to talk quite frankly about some issues including how he can receive strength in his adversities by trusting in the Lord and keeping his commandment. We explained how he can also receive strength through his association with other members. After talking with him for a while, several other soldiers showed up and we started our class. The timing could not have been better. The lesson went very well and the spirit was very strong. One of our newer soldiers who has brought a young women with him a couple of times told us how she has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it. She had a serious concern and opened the book to 3 Nephi and read a few verses and found the answer to her concern. The spirit bore testimony to her that the Book of Mormon is true. Tonight, she had a discussion with the young missionaries while we were in Institute and has committed to be baptized. 

During our discussion in Institute,  I passed out some  slips with gospel questions that could be answered in the Book of Mormon. We had each person then find the answer to their question in the Book of Mormon. The young man who was having family problems came up after class and asked me if I had intentionally given him the question he got. I said no, that I had just passed them out. He showed me the question. It was, "How can my family be happier and more united? (See Mosiah 4:14–15.)" He said, this is the answer I have been looking for. I told him it was not a coincidence that he came tonight and it was not coincidence that he found and answer to his question.
We are really being blessed right now as a zone and as a missionary couple. We are working with a sister who has been less active for some time and is now intent on getting active and going to the temple. In the few weeks we have been teaching her, I can see a significant change in her countenance and enthusiasm for the gospel. She is reading the scriptures and has been to church twice in a row now. It is really amazing how immediate and powerful the impact of the spirit on a soul who is searching for the truth can be.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Wasn't conference wonderful? We had the opportunity to spend the day yesterday with some soldiers at the Fort. A brother in our ward is the Battalion commander and allowed us to use his conference room to view the morning and afternoon sessions. We prepared a light lunch for the soldiers between sessions. 
Enjoying lunch with the soldiers between sessions of conference

Last week was busier than normal and rewarding. I already mentioned above some of the teaching opportunities we had which were uplifting and rewarding for us. Our district meeting was really good. Afterwards, a member of one of the local wards prepared a nice lunch for all the district missionaries.
Brother "Big Mike" who fixed missionaries lunch after district meeting

Elder and Sister you know who, relaxing after lunch with the district
Lunch for the Missionaries after district meeting