Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, April 20, 2014

More of the Same

Saturday, April 19, 2014
Another week has raced by. This has been a good, but fairly quiet week by comparison. Transfers were this week and our zone experienced another significant shakeup. Nine of the ten companion-ships were changed. We got one new zone leader, Elder Hickenlooper from Kaysville and a new district leader in Elder Curtis from Rigby, Idaho. Sister Wilkinson, our neighbor Sister Missionary from St. George was also transferred. We will really miss her as she has been here almost as long as we have been here. We taught our less active sister on Tuesday. She is really doing well. Thursday institute was not well attended, three, but our investigator was there and was really moved by our discussion about the temple. She has really grown and is on track to be baptized on 26 April. We are planning a trip to the Mesa Temple with the soldiers on May 3 and hope to be able to take her to do baptisms. The army still makes it difficult at times for these young folks to attend various activities which is discouraging at times for the soldiers.
We took a quick trip to Tucson yesterday to pick up some items and get our Costco fix for a while. We also stopped and visited with Lori’s family who were out of school for Good Friday. It is always nice to spend time with family. We have such a great family!

Sunday, April 20, 2014
We had a wonderful Easter Sunday, except that RoLayne got food poisoning and was extremely sick all night. She was not able to attend church today. She is doing quite a bit better, but is not well yet. The stake presidency attended our sacrament services as did a goodly number of soldiers. Four soldiers who are graduating on Thursday were there to say goodbye to the group. We saw some soldiers that we have not seen for a while as well. We had the largest attendance we have seen since we came. 

This week will be a fun week as well. Thursday, 6 of our soldiers will be graduating and leaving us. Saturday morning, one of the soldiers is getting married in the Gila Valley Temple, and Saturday evening our soldier investigator is getting baptized. Should be a great week. Hopefully, RoLayne gets better so we can enjoy the festivities.
Well, I really cannot think of much more to write so we will keep it short for this week. I will add some miscellaneous pictures for your enjoyment. I think folks like the pictures better than my babbling anyway.
New Zone Leader on left with current ZL on right

New District Leader on right

Looking down main street in Bisbee.  See B on mountain

Looking up main street in Bisbee. Tourists in foreground

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