Elder and Sister Heninger

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Priceless Experience.......and some Fun and Games

Saturday, April 12, 2014

One of the advantages of being senior missionaries is that you can have visitors. RoLayne’s brother Dave and his wife Mary drove down from Payson, Utah and stayed with us Sunday through Tuesday night. It was really nice to see them and to spend some time with them. Monday we took them to Bisbee, went through the mining museum, walked the streets shopping, then went to lunch at the Copper Queen Hotel. From there we drove over to Tombstone, arriving in time to see the OK corral museum and the shootout at the OK Corral.
RoLayne and Mary hanging out with the Earp brothers and Doc Holliday
Tuesday, Dave and I got up and went golfing. RoLayne took Mary to work at the Turnaround Point. This was followed by a trip to the Karchner Caverns which is a relatively new discovery. It has only been open for about 14 years. We ended the day with a steak dinner cooked at home and some relaxing conversation.

Wednesday, it was back to work with our zone meeting followed by a discussion with the lady we have been teaching. The lesson went very well and she set a goal date to be ready to go to the temple. Thursday and Friday were spent inspecting apartments as well as teaching Institute. It was the best inspection results we have had so far. All seven apartments were sparkling clean and in good repair. It is amazing that when the missionaries are obedient and hard working all kinds of good things happen. In addition to great car and apartment inspections, we have had at least 4 baptisms the past two weeks in the zone and several
more on track to be baptized. We are losing one of our wonderful missionaries next week. 

Our wonderful district leader (right) who goes home Tuesday
Elder Chamberlain, our district leader is going home. He is going out with a bang and two baptisms in two weeks.
Today, we finished up our last inspection in preparation for transfers next week, we went to a baptism and then to a discussion for one of our soldiers. We are so blessed to be here at this time. We want you all to know how much we love the work, the missionaries, and the soldiers. It is one of the great blessings of my life to be here with Sister Heninger. We miss you all but would not rather be anywhere else right now.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Our investigator, (left), the first week she visited the group
We had a very special experience today in Testimony Meeting. The young female soldier that has been receiving the missionary discussions bore her testimony today. She shared her moment of conversion which was very touching. She said that she had been praying about what she should do and whether the church was true. She had just received a Book of Mormon a day or two before. Following her prayer, she opened the Book of Mormon and began to read in 3 Nephi 27: 20-22. There was her answer! You should read this scripture. It was pretty plain to her that her prays had been answered, she had found the Lord's Church, and that she should be baptized. Despite opposition from family and some from other soldiers, she is resolved to be baptized in two weeks. She is a great young lady and has wonderful potential. I could see her as a missionary before long. We have watched her grow from her first visit which is something I will not soon forget. Watching the gospel and the spirit light up the countenance of these wonderful souls is priceless.

1 comment:

  1. I just read through the last month of posts. You two are having a wonderful mission with so many great experiences. I looked up the scriptures referred to when your different people found their answers -- such great scriptures and perfect answers for your people! So happy that those two individuals received their answers and can move forward. I'm going to make a note to remember to check your blog on a more regular basis so I can be uplifted and inspired too!!!
